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  • 《蒼穹下:福爾摩沙衛星二號10年影像集(平裝)》







    • 作者介紹


      財團法人國家實驗研究院國家太空中心(National Space Organization, NSPO)成立於1991年,是臺灣唯一負責太空科技政策執行及發展太空科技研發的機構,以建立衛星系統發展完整能量、推動太空科技研究、培育太空科技人才,並提供國家需求、科技研發、民生應用之衛星資料服務為目標。


    • 第一章:守護臺灣

      Chapter 1: Formosa Taiwan

      010臺灣島及外圍島嶼︱Formosa and Surrounded Islands

      012五股楊梅高架橋︱Wugu-Yangmei Elevated Road

      014伯朗大道-油菜花田︱Brown Boulevard - Rapeseed Flower Field

      016林口新市鎮重劃區︱Linkou New Town

      018澎湖群島︱Penghu Archipelago

      020蘭陽溪︱Lanyang River

      022淡水河︱Tamsui River

      024濁水溪︱Zhuoshui River

      026大甲溪︱Dajia River

      028高屏溪︱Gaoping River

      030東北角海岸︱Northeast Coast

      032和平礦區︱Heping Mining Area

      034嘉明湖︱Chiaming Lake

      036蘭嶼︱Lanyu Island

      038龜山島︱Guishan Island

      040綠島︱Green Island

      042東沙環礁︱Dongsha Atoll

      044翡翠水庫︱Feitsui Reservoir

      046日月潭︱Sun Moon Lake

      048烏山頭水庫︱Wusanto Reservoir

      050南寮漁港︱Nanliao Fisher Harbor

      052月世界︱Moon World

      054七股鹽場︱Chigu Salt Field



      060大屯火山群︱Tatun Volcano Group

      062基隆港︱Keelung Harbor



      Chapter 2: Around the World

      068中美洲.芳歇卡灣︱Golfo de Fonseca, Central America

      070中國.上海︱Shanghai, China

      072美國.賓漢礦場︱Bingham Canyon Mine, U.S.A.

      074義大利.威尼斯︱Venice, Italy

      076中國.大連︱Dalian, China

      078泰國.曼谷︱Bangkok, Thailand

      080秘魯.馬丘比丘聖城遺址︱Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, Peru

      082阿拉伯聯合大公國.杜拜︱Dubai, United Arab Emirates

      084挪威.特羅姆瑟︱Tromso , Norway

      086美國.珍珠港︱Pearl Harbor, U.S.A.

      088伊朗.霍梅尼港︱Bandar-e Emam Khomeyni Port, Iran

      090南韓.仁川機場︱Incheon Airport, South Korea

      092美國.檀香山機場︱Honolulu Airport, U.S.A.

      094塞內加爾.玫瑰湖︱Lake Retba, Senegal

      096玻利維亞.烏尤尼鹽湖︱Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

      098俄羅斯.烏達奇納亞鑽石礦場︱Udachnaya Diamond Mine, Russia

      100南非.金伯利的「大洞」︱The Big Hole, Kimberly, South Africa

      102智利.埃斯孔迪達銅礦場︱Minera Escondida, Chile

      104巴基斯坦.米亞尼賀潟湖︱Miani Hor, Pakistan

      106納米比亞.納米布-諾克盧福國家公園︱Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia

      108澳洲.波里亞︱Boulia, Australia

      110巴西.阿普卡拉納︱Apucarana, Brazil

      112巴西.巴來拉斯︱Barrieras, Brazil

      114中國.柴達木盆地鹽漠︱Salt Desert in Qaidam Basin, China

      116利比亞.庫夫拉綠洲︱Al Kufrah Oasis, Libya

      118毛里塔尼亞.撒哈拉之眼︱Eye of the Sahara, Mauritania

      120巴基斯坦.瓜達爾港︱Gwadar Harbor, Pakistan

      122澳洲.艾爾斯岩︱Ayers Rock, Australia

      124美國.聖海倫火山︱Mount St. Helens, U.S.A.

      126紐西蘭.艾格蒙火山︱Mount Egmont, New Zeala

      128埃及.吉沙金字塔群︱Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

      130南韓.濟州島漢拏山︱Hallasan, Jeju, South Korea

      132坦尚尼亞.巴加莫約︱Bagamoyo, Tanzania

      134中國.長城嘉裕關︱Jiayu Pass of the Great Wall, China

      136印度.孫德爾本斯國家公園︱Sandarbans National Park, India

      138中國.福建土樓︱Fujian Tulou, China

      140荷蘭.伍達蒸汽泵站︱Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal, Netherlands

      142古巴.西恩富戈斯古城︱Historical Center of Cienfuegos, Cuba

      144荷蘭.阿姆斯特丹環狀運河區︱Canal Ring Area of Amsterdam, Netherlands

      146美國.查科文化國家歷史公園︱Chaco Culture National Historical Park, U.S.A.

      148塞內加爾.戈雷島︱Goree Island, Senegal

      150北極.斯瓦巴接收站︱Svalbard Ground Station, Arctic

      152美國.火山口湖國家公園︱Crater Lake National Park, U.S.A.

      154美國.戴維斯蒙森空軍基地︱Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, U.S.A.

      156美國.舊金山灣鹽池︱Salt Ponds in San Francisco Bay, U.S.A

      158智利.阿塔卡馬沙漠太陽能蒸發池︱Solar Evaporation Ponds, Atacama Desert, Chile

      160印度.恆河︱Ganges, India

      162印度.德里︱Delhi, India


      Chapter 3: Caring for the Globe

      166艾利颱風︱Typhoon Aere

      168南亞海嘯︱South Asia Tsunami


      172卡翠娜颶風︱Hurricane Katrina

      174梅拉比火山︱Mount Merap

      176亞孟森史考特南極站︱Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station

      178吉尼號蘇澳外海漏油︱Tzini Fuel Leakage

      180加州大火︱California Wildfire

      182冰棚崩解︱Ice Shelf Disintegration

      184汶川地震︱Wenchuan Earthquake

      186阿里山大火︱Alishan Mountain Forest Fire

      188莫拉克颱風:林邊︱Morakot Typhoon: Linban

      190莫拉克颱風:太麻里︱Morakot Typhoon: Taimali

      192莫拉克颱風:小林村︱Morakot Typhoon: Xiaolin Village

      194艾雅法拉火山︱Eyjafjallajokull Volcano

      196納米布沙漠︱Namib Desert

      198新燃岳火山︱Shinmoedake Volcano

      200北海道網走流冰︱Drift Ice in Abashiri, Hokkaido

      202仙台大地震︱Sendai Earthquake

      204布來比島︱Bribie Island

      206馬薩亞火山︱Masaya Volcano

      208宏都拉斯共和國︱Republic of Honduras

      210挖子尾海岸變遷︱Coastal Change of Waziwei

      212外傘頂洲︱Waishanding Sandbar


    蒼穹下,天際間,由太空鳥瞰我們居住的家園,湛藍的大海、翠綠的森林、褐黃的沙漠、靄白的冰原,大地像是上帝的畫布,勾勒出一幅幅美麗的圖畫,除蘊育著人類亙古的文化外,更觸動人類如何與地球永續共存的省思。1972年美國Landsat衛星開啟衛星遙測新紀元,也帶動地球觀測衛星技術的蓬勃發展。2004年臺灣首枚地球觀測衛星「福爾摩沙衛星二號」發射成功,十年來秉持「守護臺灣、觀照世界」的任務目標,為臺灣及全球留下無數珍貴的歷史影像紀錄。由於其每日再訪週期的特性,更成為全球救災的急先鋒,讓臺灣的人道救助精神揚名全世界。適值福衛二號運轉滿十週年之際,我們滿懷感恩,彙集福衛二號的精彩圖像成冊,值得分享與典藏。更祝福衛二號歷久彌新,繼續守護我們美麗的家園-- 臺灣。


    The aqua blue sea, emerald green forest, golden brown desert, and glistening white ice fields, above the horizon and under the heavens, together make up the beautiful Earth, the canvas of God. The spectacular natures have been nurturing the human civilization since the ancient times, and that also triggered the deliberation of the harmonic sustainability between the mankind and the Earth. The LANDSAT-1, the first earth observation satellite, launched by the U.S. in 1972, opened up a new perspective for earth observations from space, and that also promoted the vigorous development of the remote sensing technology for the earth observation through satellites. Taiwan also launched in 2004 its first remote sensing satellite - FORMOSAT-2. "Sentineling Taiwan and the World", FORMOSAT-2 has captured enormous historical imageries of Taiwan and the world in the past decade. Particularly for its daily re-visit orbital characteristics; FORMOSAT-2 also plays a significant role in supporting the disaster restorations and contributing to the Taiwan's spirit in global humanitarian relief to the world. Taking the opportunity of celebrating the FORMOSAT-2 10th Anniversary, with gratitude and on behalf of NSPO, we would like to share with you this album gallery that contains numerous collectable imageries taken by the FORMOSAT-2 satellite. And we present our blessings to FORMOSAT-2 for an extended continuation beyond the first decade, in guarding our beautiful home - Taiwan.

    National Space Organization, NARLabs



  • 作者:國家太空中心

  • 出版社:太空中心

  • 出版日:2014/5/1

  • ISBN:9789869056014

  • 語言:中/英對照

  • 適讀年齡:全齡適讀



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